Bright SDK Privacy

Prioritizing User Privacy with Strict Adherence to GDPR and CCPA

We understand the paramount importance of privacy, and that's why Bright SDK operates with an unwavering commitment to keeping personal data secure.

No Personal Data Collection, Ever.
Bright SDK does not engage in the collection, retention, or transmission of personal data. Our partner's privacy is paramount, and we stand by our promise to uphold it.

No Tracking, No Cookies, No Device Identifier:

Bright SDK goes above and beyond to ensure that it doesn't track or invade Our partner's privacy. It doesn't employ cookies, and it does not record, store, or transmit any form of device identifier. In fact, Bright SDK's knowledge about Our partners is limited to the existence of a device with a specific IP address. Even if the IP address changes, the connection remains anonymous.

Anonymous Indexing of Public Web Data:

Bright SDK functions solely through Our partner's Internet connection to anonymously index public websites across the Internet. It gathers Public Web Data, which is information freely accessible to anyone without requiring an account or password.

No User Tracking - App Tracking Transparency (ATT)

Unlike other solutions, Bright SDK does not engage in user tracking in any capacity. Consequently, it is unaffected by App Tracking Transparency, eliminating the need for ATT permissions. Our partner's peace of mind is non-negotiable.

Less Intrusive Than Advertising Networks:
Bright SDK's commitment to privacy extends even further – we know significantly less about our partner's than many existing advertising networks.

Compliance with Privacy and Security Regulations

We take compliance seriously. Bright Data makes considerable efforts to ensure that it complies with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Our partner's rights and privacy are at the heart of everything we do.

In essence, Bright SDK is not just a monetization solution; it's a privacy-aware revolution that puts Our partners in control. With Bright SDK, Our partner's data stays secure, privacy remains intact, and Our partner's app experience is enriched without any compromises.

Delve into the details of our commitment to Our partner's privacy and data security. Read our full Privacy Policy here.

Additionally, we maintain a rigorous certification process for our SDK software's safety, verified by security companies. For detailed insights into the security and compliance of Bright SDK, including evidence supporting our commitment to not collecting data about our partners, please refer to our
Bright SDK Network Security/Compliance Tracking Sheet.